Thursday, June 18, 2009

Snail on Blackberry leaves, butterflies, and bees hive

Thunder and Ocean have enjoyed all the red strawberries they could find over last few days, Ocean is impatient wanting to pick anything that can be picked- leaves, white and green berries also. They have enjoyed full pods of sweet shelling peas. I am drooling over the broad beans, and am not sure when exactly to pluck them off. Anticipating a delicious meal though.


  1. What fun. A visit to the firehall. Grammie Belle remembers when Thunder visited the Firefighters Museum in Yarmouth. He went with Spencer and his mom Lisa and Elaine. First though we all went to the drive in restaurant and had fish -- with ketchup!

    Ocean looks beautiful in her pretty blue dress. And Grammie thought it would be too big! Silly.

  2. hehe. I was going to post that I liked the blue dress too, but mom already did. That's nice that she sent that out to you. I am loving keeping up with the blog Sam, thanks for doing this! It's great to see what you all are up to. Thunder is so funny, seems like every picture he is jumping off stuff! way to go...

    hope to have a visit again soon.
    love laura

  3. I am not sure why this is posted on the gardening site??
    Anyhow- glad you are enjoying it.
